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MybringDesign System

Numbers, date and units

Formatting numbers and units for humans

We discern between language and localisation. While we have English translations, we still format for the markets we operate in – preferring English doesn’t mean being located in an English-speaking country. Much Norwegian formatting is similar to the English used close to our shores. The following is for web interfaces; what to use in files and APIs is not covered.

Date and time

Type Format Explanation
Numeric date 17.03.2031 This is the Norwegian standard, it also works in the Nordic countries and in English. Use this in most cases, and always in tabular data.
Nordic long form date mandag, 17. mars This format is helpful when the date is close and the context is a sentence, heading or otherwise less overview-based. When it’s likely the user has to do something on a given day, like pickup and delivery. Year can be skipped most of the time in these settings.
English long form date Monday, 17 March Same as the Norwegian, but note the capital letters and the absent dot.
Time 09.14 Use 24 hour formatting. The dot is preferred, but semicolon is also allowed and understood.
Time range 09.14–14.09 Use en dash (–), not dash (-) and no spacing.


Place the currency before the amount.
Leave out decimal placeholders like ,- to indicate øre.

Weight and measurements

Place quantity before unit, and note the use of spaces.
Separate length, width and height using the ×-sign as multiplication sign. It will render as ×.


Comma is used as decimal separator for all measurements and currencies.

Large numbers

Separating thousands is done with a space. To prevent wrapping, you can use either the non-breaking space or apply the ws-nowrap class to the number, depending on the the context and complexity.

Non-breaking space

Use non-breaking space ( ) to avoid misplaced line breaks. This is the correct HTML entity to use for space in weight and measurements.

13&nbsp;kg                                            <!-- non-breaking spaces look weirder in html -->
70&nbsp;&times;&nbsp;45&nbsp;&times;&nbsp;30&nbsp;cm  <!-- but improved responsive behaviour for users! -->
13\u00A0kg                                            <!-- React applications can use the Unicode character -->